Today the booklet “a Life with Sighthounds…and other Animals” written by Dr. Margrit Miekeley” had been in my post box finally.
Hardly released from the packing, the impressive photo on the Cover holds your eyes tight - it shows the Saluki Dog of the Authoress, Gorazan al-safi. A majority of contents is dedicated to this Saluki-Dog. When first paging through the outstanding print and paper - the quality is noticeable immediately, which positively stands out against other contemporary publications. Innumerable graphite designs from the hand of the authoress, which illustrate stories by an affectionate style, are decorating the text. Additionally you may enjoy about 16 coloured charts, that show impressions of the landscape and the main actors of the stories in full colour splendour, i.e. Margrit Miekeley's Sighthounds: Ricky the Whippet, Shari the Sloughi and Gorazan the Saluki. They accompanied the Authoress successively over thirty years, and we could thank them for this charming story-collection. Indeed, it is difficult to put the book aside: If you begin once to read, you cannot help to go on to the end.
Dr. Margrit Miekeley is a Biologist and had been active in the teaching profession, and she understands it outstandingly to pass a suitable quantity of knowledge very well packed in small portions into the stories and anecdotes. So that nobody does really realize first at all to learn something again. A deep understanding and love for the nature is speaking from each sentence - everything what is breathing and living - all the same whether it speaks, barks, whinnies, twitters or clucks. The experiences, which Dr. Miekeley's Saluki-Dog “Gorazan” is telling us, are particularly charming - we accompany him during the years of the impetuous puppy, which he has nothing else than nonsense in his sense, up to the adult Dog with personality and class.
All stories in the booklet were experienced by Dr. Miekeley and have been written down over many years.
Sighthounds and their personality, characteristics and charm take a large part of the book. Yet it does not concern to a “usual” Sighthound-Book. On the contrary the reader gets a personal contact to Sighthounds, which is still intensified not only by the narrations but also by photos and designs. Apart from Sighthounds everybody learns to know some other dogs and animal species, so the view and heart had been opened for the Dogs.
“A Life with Sighthounds - and other Animals” is an affectionately arranged book, which one will take surely not only once into the hand. Stories are suitable for adult people and kids, and not only for Sighthound-Lovers, but also for all animal friends. Only comparatively few books brought me so steadily during reading to smiling and thinking, above all however to a heartfelt grin. Therefore above all this booklet is most warmly recommended to those, who heavy do with the selecting gifts for their friends year by year to Christmas or to the birthday again.
“Thanks for putting a smile on my face”, one says in America, and what is more worth to give away than a reason for a smile?
Dr. Margrit Miekeley, “a Life with Sighthounds - and other Animals”
104 pages, 16 colour charts, approx. 50 designs, € 13,50
ISBN 3-938071-94-X, to order at
Kynos Publishing House, Product Row “Canissimo”:
Dr. Dieter Fleig GmbH
Am Remelsbach 30
D-54570 Mürlenbach/Eifel
or directly with the Authoress:
oder direkt bei der Autorin:
Dr. Margrit Miekeley
Alle Texte und Bilder, sofern nicht anders gekennzeichnet, sind Copyright © Dr. Margrit Miekeley