My Sighthounds ... and Me

Spring in the Sauerland

After having had a long and very harsh winter with lots of ice, snow and rain this year, Spring has finally just come - but just in time on 21 March.

With a wonderful sunshine, but with still cold air, I go daily out for a walk with my Daoud in the Sauerland. Since we are living near the forest, we are directly in the middle of the beautiful nature.

Every year it is thrilling again to watch how nature is awaking: The first spring flowers are coming out of the soil, the first buds are still to be seen on the twigs and birds are singing their most beautiful song.

My new companion “Daoud al Firdous” is now ten months old and appears to be a very intelligent and also increasingly as an obedient pupil, so that I can trust him to let him off the leash on the large pastures in the valley. He and I are enjoying these walks very much and in full swing ...

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